
Bowers & Wilkins Zeppelin Air: Balon Udara Canggih dengan Fitur AirPlay

bower wilkins zeppelin air

Airplay adalah software terbaru yang dikembangkan oleh Apple untuk seluruh perangkat iOS mereka. Dengan aplikasi ini, perangkat iOS dapat melakukan streaming via koneksi wireless. Memanfaatkan Airplay, Bower & WIlkins menghadirkan kembali dock iPhone Zeppelin andalan terbarunya, yaitu Zeppelin Air.

B&W Zeppelin Air

Dari segi desain, tidak ada yang berbeda antara Zeppelin Air dengan Zeppelin terdahulu. Untuk kualitas suara, speaker B&W Zeppelin Air telah didesain ulang dan mampu mereproduksi suara berkualitas 24Bit/96KHz dengan baik. Diharapkan kualitas suaranya lebih unggul dibanding Zeppelin versi sebelumnya.

Zeppelin Air juga kompatibel dengan seluruh perangkat iPod, iPhone, dan iPad yang telah menggunakan iOS dengan versi minimum 4.2. Tersedia juga port USB untuk menghubungkannya ke komputer sehingga Anda dapat menjadikannya sebagai speaker multimedia biasa. Zeppelin Air juga bisa digunakan untuk melakukan sync iPod/iPhone yang tertancap di atasnya. Tentunya Anda harus menghubungkan dock tersebut ke komputer melalui port USB di Zeppelin Air.

Zeppelin Air tersedia di pasaran dengan harga jual $499 atau sekitar Rp 6,5 juta.

Sekilas fitur B&W Zeppelin Air:

– Universal Docking Port
– AirPlay
– Digital Amplifier
– Digital Signal Processing
– USB streaming, iPod/iTunes sync
– Speaker:2x 25mm (1.0 in) Nautilus™ tube aluminium tweeter
2x 75mm (3.0 in) Midrange
1x 125mm (5.0 in) Subwoofer
– Respon Frekuensi: 51Hz – 36kHz ?3dB on reference axis
– Luas Frekuensi: -6dB at 36Hz and 42kHz
– Amplifier power output: 2x 25W (tweeter)
2x 25W (midrange)
1x 50W (subwoofer)
– Inputs: iPod? / iPhone? (30-pin connector)
Network (RJ45 Ethernet or Wi-Fi)
Auxiliary – analogue / optical digital (3.5mm mini jack)
Streaming, synchronization & firmware upgrades (USB 2.0)
– Outputs: Composite Video (RCA Phono)

Press Release

Bowers & Wilkins unveils the first premium wireless iPod speaker

Three years ago the original multi-award winning Bowers & Wilkins Zeppelin revolutionised the iPod speaker market. Now, continuing to lead the way in sound and design excellence, Bowers & Wilkins bring you the Zeppelin Air, the ultimate wireless speaker system, and the first premium iPod dock to feature new Apple AirPlay wireless streaming technology.

An iPod speaker for the digital age, AirPlay allows music to be streamed wirelessly from a computer to Zeppelin Air, while everything from track selection to volume levels is controlled from either your PC or Mac, or via an iPhone?, iPad? or iPod Touch. Discover the freedom in bypassing the computer entirely, by streaming your favourite songs directly from your device – all without the need to use the Zeppelin Air’s docking arm.

Carrying over 45 years of superior Bowers & Wilkins sound engineering technology, the Zeppelin Air is the best sounding Zeppelin yet. With dramatically improved sonic performance from updated drive units, five corresponding dedicated audiophile amplifiers specially designed by Bowers & Wilkins, and featuring radically improved bass, the Zeppelin Air redefines wireless sound at home, providing a truly room-filling experience.

And while Zeppelin’s iconic shape has been retained, the Zeppelin Air offers the ultimate in Bowers & Wilkins design and functionality, with subtly updated styling such as the new high-quality black back-plate and updated iPod docking arm supporting a digital connection – providing you with the definitive digital sound.

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